1. Players wishing to enter the club competitions MUST be aware that they MUST be available for the finals weekend, which is shown in the Fixture Card, usually the last weekend in August or the first weekend in September. If knowing to be on holiday PLEASE DO NOT ENTER.

  2. If subsequently, after entering, a player finds they are not available (for any reason) for the finals weekend, they should immediately withdraw from the next round, to be replaced by a player on the reserve list (if any) or forfeit the match.

  3. All competition matches to be played by the dates shown. There is ample time between rounds for matches to be arranged. IT IS THE OBLIGATION OF THE FIRST NAMED to make contact with the opposition. The “play by date” MUST BE STRICTLY ADHERED TO – unless there are very exceptional circumstances, when a decision will be made by the Captain in conjunction with the Selection Committee. Such decision will be final.

Unable to arrange or having not arranged a match is not a legitimate reason.

  1. IMPORTANT – The first named to make contact with the opposition within the first week informing a match has to be arranged and then follow up BY GIVING THREE DATES (one a weekday, one an evening and one a weekend) but trying to avoid the same week and allowing for any opposition party who may be on holiday. All parties should be encouraged to show some flexibility to allow matches to be played in the true spirit of the competition. Should none of the dates be convenient to the opposition then the match will be awarded to the first named.


1. Should a player be unable to meet the dates required e.g. because of holidays or sickness then a reserve (from the reserve list) may be used in Pairs and Triples Competitions BUT may not play as skip. Should the reserve be required to play for more than one round, the reserve will replace the original player permanently. Should there be no reserve, the opponents will be awarded the match, and the remaining partners will then be placed back on the reserve list. No reserves allowed in Singles competitions. A reserve who has not played in any other round, may play in the final if the circumstances require.


  1. When a match has been arranged, the first named must ensure that a suitable booking entry is made in the Rink Reservation book, against the relevant date, showing the time and identifying the players and the competition. The first named player in a singles competition will be responsible for arranging a marker and the marker must adhere to the dress code.

  2. The next available rink/s in strict rink rotation must be used – no exceptions. If more than one match is taking place at the same time a draw for the rinks to be used in rotation must be made. RINK ROTATION MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED TO EQUALISE WEAR AND TEAR OF THE GREEN.


  1. To be held on a dedicated Saturday and Sunday as shown in the Fixture Card.

  2. Should a finalist be in more than two finals, a final then can be advanced to the previous Friday or the following Monday BUT only in these circumstances.

  3. The start time of the finals to be 2pm unless shown otherwise.


  1. Priority for play will be League Matches (as per fixture list), County Matches, Matches against visiting teams, Club Competitions, Social Bowling.

  2. Stated number of Ends/Shots Up MUST be played unless unbeatable score achieved.

  3. Matches halted by weather must resume at re-arranged date from position at last complete end.

  1. Every effort will be made to keep one rink available for Social Bowling.