Tockwith League
3 rinks of 4 players (mixed)
Must play 3 rinks if player/s short NOT just 2 rinks.
18 ends
- Toss for jack in all matches
At least 11 ends have to be completed to constitute a match in all rinks
2 trial ends or default position one on the first two ends to be played BUT both Captain’s have to agree. If no agreement the default position prevails.
Providing all rinks have played at least 11 ends and the weather intervenes and the game is stopped, even if uneven ends have been completed, the result at abandonment will stand.
Start time now agreed at 2pm
Raffle organised at club’s discretion.
2 pts awarded for each winning rink,1pt draw and 2pts overall aggregate
Home team to send results card to Allan May, League Secretary, 17 Chancery Court, Front Street, Acomb, York YO24 3DP, 01904793181 or by email to allan_may@btinternet.com. Results cards still to be sent to above.
Private Clubs League
3 rinks of 3 players (mixed) – must have at least one of each gender in each rink.
2 rinks allowed to be played in league matches but will forfeit the 2 points for the missing rink and the 2 points aggregate. In cup matches the playing of 2 rinks is not allowed, the match will be forfeited.
18 ends.
At least 12 ends have to be completed to constitute a match.
Play one on the first two ends.
Toss for the jack.
2 pts awarded for each winning rink,1pt draw and 2 pts overall aggregate.
Home team to send result card to David Hawkins, 15 The Greenway,York, YO32 3FE, but telephone 01904 764948 or preferably by email davidandlouise15@gmail.com the result asap after match.Results cards still to be sent as above.
Batagas Triples League
4 rinks of 3 players (any)
Must play 4 rinks if player/s short NOT just 3 rinks.
18 ends
At least 9 ends have to be completed to constitute a match.
Count one on the first two ends.
Visitors jack but toss for the jack in cup matches.
NO 25% penalty imposed for a reduced rink
2 pts awarded for each winning rink, 1 point draw and 2 pts overall aggregate i.e. 10 pts in total. Aggregate score only in cup matches.
Results cards NOT TO BE SENT but completed by both captain’s and retained. Home team to notify result to Elaine Gathercole by email elainegathercole123@btinternet.com asap after the match
Huby Triples League
No age qualification
4 rink of 3 players (any)
Must play 4 rinks if player/s short NOT just 3 rinks
18 ends
At least 12 ends have to be completed to constitute a match. Captains can agree to play less ends before the match commences
Count one on the first two ends.
Visitors jack..
No 25% penalty imposed for a reduced rink
2 pts for a winning rink, 1pt draw and 2pts for the overall aggregate ie 10 pts in total.
Home team to notify result by phone to Freddie Alnutt 01347811081 (Mobile 07740414114) or email fred.fixtsechubyanddistbowlslea@btinternet.com with the result asap after the match
Ryedale Vets League
Age qualification 55+ men and women
4 rinks of 3 players (any)
Must play 4 rinks if player/s short NOT just 3 rinks
18 ends
Visitors jack but toss for the jack in cup matches.
Count one on the first two ends.
At least 12 ends have to be completed to constitute a match.Reduced number of ends may be decided by both captain’s before matches commence
2pts awarded for each winning rink,1pt draw and 2pts overall aggregate ie 10 pts in total.
NO 25% penalty imposed for a reduced rink
Home team to notify result to Colin Ellis either by phone on 01904 760877 or preferably by email to : colin@cellis23.plus.com with the result asap after the match
York Vets League
Age qualification 60+
1 rink of 4 players (men only)
18 ends
At least 15 ends to be completed to constitute a match
2 pts for a win, 1pt draw.
Reduction of 25% shots if playing with a player short.
Home team Rink Secretary to inform League Secretary Terry Shepherdson on 01904611954 or Email terryshep@btinternet.com with the result immediately following the match.
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