The League shall be called the HUBY & DISTRICT TRIPLES BOWLS LEAGUE.
Officers to be elected each year at the Annual General Meeting viz. Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary/Treasurer & Fixtures Secretary. One club member to represent each team at the AGM or Extra ordinary GM, each club to have ONE vote. In the event of a tie vote, then the Chairman shall cast the deciding vote. A quorum for a General Meeting shall be greater than 50% of the membership of the League.
The League shall maintain a bank account. Trophy engraving shall be funded by the League. The club which hosts the winners v the rest game will be given £20 towards the cost of the tea.
The Executive Committee to consist of Chairman, Vice Chairman, & Secretary/Treasurer.
Applications for membership to be considered at the AGM. Any new club wishing to join the league must notify the Secretary at least 14 days before the AGM, which they will be required to attend. A £10 Registration fee is payable upon joining the League and the Annual Subscription for 2011 is £10. Subscriptions shall be agreed at the AGM and paid at the meeting.
Teams to consist of FOUR Triples, playing 18 ends. All scorecards must be kept by Team Captains until the end of the season. Match results of League games to be notified, by phone or email, to the Fixtures Secretary NLT the day after they are played.
In the event of a team being a player short the triples playing two members shall play four bowls each. The jack shall be delivered by the winners of the previous end or the visitors in the case of the first end. The full triple shall bowl the first & last bowl. There will be no 25% reduction of shots where teams are playing under strength. If a team cannot field a minimum of 8 players the match will not be re-arranged and the opposition will be awarded 10 points.
All matches to be played to Bowls England rules except for any domestic arrangements made from time to time and ratified at the AGM.
League Games to be played on Tuesday & Thursday commencing at 6.45 pm and at 6.30 pm in August, unless otherwise agreed by both Team Captains. First two ends only counting as one shot each end. For League games, the visitors shall have the jack on the first end. For Competitions, the Teams shall toss for the jack.
Points: 2 points to be awarded for total shots with a bonus of 2 points for each winning triple. In the case of equal shots on a rink, then 1 point to each triple. If the match is drawn (on shots) each side gets 1 point each plus the rink bonus. If at the end of the season two or more teams have equal points the ratio of shots will be taken into consideration in determining the final placing.
Substitutes: if a player falls ill or is called away through illness at home a substitute is allowed.
All disputed games to be reported to the League Secretary within 48 hours, and findings of Executive Committee and its decision shall be final.
Interference by rain: the Bowls England Rule 56 to apply when a game is interrupted or postponed it shall be resumed with the scores as they were when the game was stopped. An end commenced but not completed shall be declared dead. The end will be declared dead even if one or more players choose to remain on the green during the stoppage. A reduced number of ends may be decided upon at the discretion of the captains, however at least 12 ends must have been completed.
Games postponed due to adverse weather conditions or any exceptional circumstances are to be rearranged by mutual agreement between the Team Captains and must be played before the end of the first week in August, sharing of points is not allowed.
Preferred dress should be Grey and Whites but regulation bowling shoes are required.
Annual General Meeting to be held last Monday in September, with 14 days’ notice to be given to all teams. If this is not possible, then an alternative Monday in September or October with prior notice to all club of 28 days will be given. Any proposal for an AGM must be received by the Secretary at least 14 days before the AGM. At least 7 days before the AGM the Secretary shall send out copies of the Agenda to all clubs. It was agreed that the £10 annual subscription would be refunded if any team decided to withdraw from the league.
These are the Rules as agreed at the AGM 2010 and amended at the 2011, 2014, and 2017 AGMs. Revised 9.10.17