A Message from your Captain
Conduct for WBC Members at League Matches
In accordance with general courtesy and sportsmanship, all members of WBC playing in League Matches (either at Home or Away) should comply with the following :
- All playing members are expected to remain within the grounds until the last rink has finished and the result declared.
- For afternoon matches where after-match refreshment is provided, it is expected that all WBC playing members will remain and participate.
Whilst it is recognized that, on some occasions, WBC members may have to occasionally depart early for other important reasons, in such cases the following should be observed :
- Notification should be given to the WBC Match Captain and WBC Rink Skip BEFORE play commences
- Apologies should be presented to the opposing Skip on conclusion of play on that rink
- All measures e.g. travelling singly – should be taken to avoid the need for the early departure of others
Club Captain