Replaces all previous issues and includes amendments made up to and including

Annual General Meeting November 2002

NAME: The name of the organisation shall be The York Amateur Bowling Association Veterans Section called “The Section”.

OBJECTS: The Section’s aims and objects will be to provide competitive bowling under E.B.A. rules for men age 60 years and over.

For this purpose it will organise a League Competition together with as many Cup Competitions as it may be possible to compete in a season.

Details of such Competition at present in existence are shown in the document



This will consist of a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, these will be the officers, and

Five elected members one of whom shall be the results recorder and the may co-opt any additional at their discretion.

DUTIES: CHAIRMAN:- To preside over all meetings and prepare a report for submission at General Meetings. In his absence the meeting will elect a Chairman.

SECRETARY:- To deal with all correspondence, prepare agenda for and summon meetings

To give general oversight to the promotion of all competitions including arrangement of venues and for presentation of trophies.

TREASURER :- To maintain the financial records of the section including the receipt of all monies due and making authorised payments on behalf of the section. He will be required to prepare a financial statement at any time as required by the Management Committee.

He will prepare an annual statement of account to the 30th of September in each year for presentation to the Annual General Meeting. This statement must have been audited by a responsible person who will have been elected at the previous Annual General Meeting.

COMMITTEE MEMBERS:- To attend meetings of the Management Committee and to make arrangements for the League and Cup Competitions under the general oversight of the Secretary. Four members will constitute a quorum one of must be an officer.

To deal with and settle any breach of rules or Constitution or with any dispute which may arise

NOTE:- Any vacancy occurring during the year for whatever reason, may be filled by the Management Committee, the appointment being effective until the next A.G.M.

All the forgoing appointments terminate at the next A.G.M. but the individuals are eligible for re-election.

MEMBERSHIP:- This is open to all registered male persons aged 60 years or over

TEAM MEMBERSHIP:- Is restricted to those teams whose greens are within an 8 (eight) miles radius of Cliffords Tower York.

LIFE MEMBERS:- On the recommendation of the executive committee a member may be elected a life member at any General Meeting in recognition of service to the association

There shall not be more than 5 (five) life members at any one time a life member is entitled to attend any General Meeting may vote on any issue at that meeting.

SUBSCRITIONS:- The annual subscriptions (entry fees) will be fixed at the A.G.M. and must be paid before the date of the first league match.

The Management Committee reserve the right to deal with any rink where the subscription is not paid by the due date.

APPLICATIONS for MEMBERSHIP:- Application to join the league should be made in writing to the Secretary in writing 2 (two) weeks before the A.G.M. Who may refer them to the Management Committee at his discretion.

RESIGNATION of MEMBERSHIP :- To be notified to Secretary in writing.

GENERAL MEETINGS:- The Annual General Meeting will normally be held on a date in November to be agreed at the March meeting but may be altered because or unforeseen circumstances. The notice of meeting will give instructions regarding the election of offices.

A SPRING MEETING:- Will be held pre-season preferably early March when members will be informed of arrangements for the forthcoming season. Any relevant business may be discussed at this meeting.

A SPECIAL MEETING;- May be summoned at any time by the Management Committee on the receipt of a request by 12 (twelve) member rinks The later must submit a notice of the motion in writing signed by a representative from each of the rinks indicating of the signatories.

Fourteen clear days notice of the meeting will be given in all three cases

VOTING :- This will normally be by show of hands but may be otherwise agree by the members present. At all General Meetings voting will be restricted to one vote per each member rink represented at the meeting, plus one vote per each member of the committee who is attending as a rink representative.

The Chairman will have the casting vote.