Wigginton Bowling Club Privacy Policy
Wigginton Bowling Club treats your privacy rights seriously. This privacy policy sets out how we will deal
with your ‘personal information’, that is, information that could identify, or is related to the identity of, an
What personal information do we collect?
When you express an interest in becoming a member of Wigginton Bowling Club you will be asked to
provide certain information. This includes:
• Your name
• Postal address
• Email address
• Telephone number
• Your subscription preferences
• Gift Aid entitlement
• Emergency Contact details (optional}
How do we collect this personal information?
All the information collected is obtained directly from you. This is usually at the point of your initial
registration. The information will be collected via membership forms or on line contact forms. The lawful
basis for collecting and storing your information is due to the contractual relationship that you, as a
member, have with Wigginton Bowling Club. In order to inform you about the activities and events that
you can access as a member we need to store and process a certain amount of personal data.
How do we use your personal information?
We use your personal information:
• To provide Wigginton Bowling Club activities and services to you
• For administration, planning and management of Wigginton Bowling Club
• To communicate with you about League activities
• To monitor, develop and improve the provision of Wigginton Bowling Club activities
• In an Emergency we will telephone your nominated emergency contact. By giving us
information about your emergency contact you are confirming that they have given you
consent to provide the information to Wigginton Bowling Club.
We will send you messages by email, post, other digital methods and telephone to advise you of Wigginton Bowling Club activities.
Who do we share your personal information with?
We may disclose information about you, including your personal information
• Internally – to committee members and League Captains – as required to facilitate your
participation in our Bowling activities;
• If we have a statutory duty to disclose it for other legal and regulatory reasons. For example
HMRC for gift aid related issues.
Where we need to share your information outside of Wigginton Bowling Club we will seek your written
consent and inform you as to who the information will be shared with and for what purpose.
How long do we keep your personal information?
We need to keep your information so that we can provide our services to you. In most instances
information about your membership will not be stored for longer than 7 years after you cease
membership. The exceptions to this are instances where there may be legal or insurance circumstances
that require information to be held for longer whilst the issues are investigated or resolved. Where this is
the case you will be informed as to how long the information will be held for and when it is deleted.
How your information can be updated or corrected?
To ensure the information we hold is accurate and up to date, members need to inform the Secretary of
Wigginton Bowling Club as to any changes to their personal information. On an annual basis you will have the opportunity to update your information, as required, via the membership renewal process,
Should you wish to view the information that Wigginton Bowling Club holds on you, you can make this
request by contacting the Club Secretary – as detailed above.
There may be certain circumstances where we are not able to comply with this request.
This would include where the information may contain references to other individuals or for legal,
investigative or security reasons. Otherwise we will usually respond within 14 days of the request being made.
How do we store your personal information?
We have in place a range of security safeguards to protect your personal information against loss or theft as well as unauthorised access, disclosure, copying, use or modification.
Your membership information is held on a database and accessed by the Secretary or Treasurer as appropriate.
Availability and changes to this policy.
This policy is available on our Web site and from our Secretary. This policy may change from time to time.
If we make any material changes we will make members aware of this via the Newsletter and will be
included with the relevant committee meeting minutes.
If you have any queries about this policy, need it in an alternative format, or have any complaints about
our privacy practices, please contact the Club’s Secretary.
Policy review date September 2019